Sitecore Managed Cloud Standard – topologies and tiers for Sitecore XP 10.0 and higher


The following table describes the differences between various Sitecore XP environments for the Sitecore Managed Cloud service, as well as related Azure components.

Customers can purchase these configurations under both Production and Non-Production SLAs.

Tiers and topologies are subject to availability. Check the Sitecore Managed Cloud Standard – compatibility tables for the currently supported tiers for provisioning new Sitecore Managed Cloud Standard sets, as well as for the Microsoft Azure data center compatibility information. The environment tiers are designed in accordance with Sitecore XP ARM templates with additional changes and clarifications required to deliver Managed Cloud-specific service level agreements.

The number of visits supported by each tier has been changed in version 10.x of XM/XP to better align with the subscription visit counts.

Experience Management (XM)

Performance rating
ComponentExtra Small SmallMediumLargeExtra Large2x Large3x Large
Approximate visits per month range [2]0 - 150,000150,000 - 500,000500,000 - 1,000,0001,000,000 - 2,000,0002,000,000 - 5,000,0005,000,000 - 10,000,00010,000,000 - 20,000,000
Identity Server
Azure Web App[2]
1 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S21 x S21 x S2
Content Management server
Azure Web App[2]
1 x S31 x S31 x S31 x S31 x S31 x S31 x S3
Content Delivery server 
Azure Web App[2]
2 x S23 x S23 x S26 x S24 x S38 x S38 x P2v2
Core database – 
SQL Azure
1 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S1
Master database –
SQL Azure
1 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S1
Web database – 
SQL Azure
1 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S21 x S21 x S31 x S4
Forms database –
SQL Azure
1 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S11 x S11 x S21 x S2
Search – Solr [1]XSSMLLXLXL
Monitoring –
Azure App Insights
1 x Basic1 x Basic1 x Basic1 x Basic1 x Enterprise1 x Enterprise1 x Enterprise
Session state –
1 x C11 x C11 x C11 x C11 x C11 x C21 x C3

Experience Platform (XP)

Performance rating
ComponentExtra Small SmallMediumLargeExtra Large2x Large3x Large
Approximate visits per month range [2]0 - 150,000150,000 - 500,000500,000 - 1,000,0001,000,000 - 2,000,0002,000,000 - 5,000,0005,000,000 - 10,000,00010,000,000 - 20,000,000
Identity Server
Azure Web App[2]
1 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S21 x S21 x S2
Content Management server 
Azure Web App[2]
1 x S31 x S31 x S31 x S31 x S31 x S31 x S3
xDB Reporting service
Azure Web App[2]
1 x S11 x S21 x S21 x S21 x S21 x S21 x S2
Content Delivery server
Azure Web App[2]
2 x S23 x S23 x S26 x S24 x S38 x S38 x P2v2
xDB Processing service
Azure Web App[2]
1 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S21 x S21 x S21 x S2
Cortex Reporting Service
Azure Web App[2]
1 x S1 *1 x S1 *1 x S2 *1 x S2 *1 x S3 *2 x S3 *2 x S3 *
Marketing Operations
Azure Web App[2]
Marketing Automation reporting
Azure Web App[2]
xConnect Collection search
Azure Web App[2]
Cortex Processing service
Azure Web App[2]
1 x S1 *1 x S1 *1 x S3 *1 x S3 *2 x S3 *4 x S3 *4 x S3 *
xConnect Collection
Azure Web App[2]
xConnect Reference data
Azure Web App[2]
Core database –
SQL Azure
1 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S1>
Master database –
SQL Azure
1 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S1
Web database –
SQL Azure
1 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S21 x S21 x S31 x S4
Reporting database –
SQL Azure
1 x S11 x S21 x S21 x S21 x S21 x S31 x S3
Pools database –
SQL Azure
1 x S01 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S21 x S2
Tasks database –
SQL Azure
1 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S11 x S1
Cortex processing engine Tasks database –
SQL Azure
1 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S0
Cortex processing engine Storage database –
SQL Azure
1 x S01 x S11 x S21 x S21 x S31 x S31 x S3
Forms database –>
SQL Azure
1 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S11 x S11 x S21 x S2
EXM database –
SQL Azure
1 x S0/td>1 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S11 x S21 x S2
Marketing Automation database –
SQL Azure
1 x S01 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S11 x S1
Reference data database – 
SQL Azure
1 x S01 x S11 x S21 x S21 x S31 x S31 x S3
Shard map management – 
SQL Azure
1 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S01 x S0
Shard 0/1 databases – SQL Azure2 x S02 x S12 x S22 x S22 x P12 x P22 x P2
Search – Solr [1]XSSMLLXLXL
Monitoring –
Azure App Insights
1 x Basic1 x Basic1 x Basic1 x Basic1 x Enterprise1 x Enterprise1 x Enterprise
Session state –
1 x C11 x C11 x C11 x C11 x C11 x C21 x C3
Azure Service BusStandardStandardStandardStandardStandardStandardStandard

* - All services from the left must be deployed on separate web apps.
