The Sitecore Azure module 3.0 or later automatically creates the Microsoft Azure SQL Databases Service and deploys the default Sitecore Core, Master and Web databases during deployment.
However, the module also allows using an existing database from another Farm. For example, this can be useful for sharing one database between Editing and Delivery Farms.
This article provides a list of techniques that can be used to manually share a database between Farms using the Sitecore Azure module.
The recommended approach to share a database between Farms in Sitecore Azure is as follows:
- Log in to the Sitecore Client and open the Sitecore Azure application.
- Select either the Staging or Production slot and click on a data center to add an Editing or Delivery Farm.

- In the New Deployment dialog, click the More Options button. The Content Editor with a preselected Azure Deployment item appears.

- Select the /sitecore/system/Modules/Azure/<Environment>/<Location>/<Farm>/<WebRole>/<Azure Deployment>/Database References item.

- Insert a new item based on the /sitecore/templates/Azure/Databases/Database Reference template, using wfm name as the item name.

Important: an item name must match a connection string name.
Note: for example, in the \App_Config\ConnectionStrings.config file, the connection string to the Sitecore Web Forms for Marketers database is as follows:
<add name="wfm" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS2014;Initial Catalog=Sitecore_WFM;Integrated Security=False;User ID=sa;Password=12345" />
- In the wfm item, fill in the Database Id field using an existent Azure SQL Database item under the /Sitecore/system/Modules/Azure/<Environment>/<Location>/<Farm>/Sql01/Set01 item.

- Save the changes and close the Content Editor application.
- Recycle the Sitecore Application Pool or reset Internet Information Services (IIS).
- Open the Sitecore Azure application and resume the deployment.

- In the New Deployment dialog, click the Start Deployment button.